Rock paper scissors × Tic-Tac-Toe

HTML5 Demonstrations
Ric-Pac-Soe 3p game demo | Ric-Pac-Soe AI game demo
- 2 or 3 players
- 1 # shape 3x3 board
- 2 or 3 decks of rock paper scissors cards with different colors. Each deck has 2 rocks, 2 papers, 2 scissors cards
Place an empty board. Shuffle each deck. Place a deck of cards facing up in front of each player.
Like tic-tac-toe, take turns playing by putting the top card of the deck on the board.
The first player to get three of his/her cards in a row
(up, down, across, or diagonally) wins the game.
- Unlike tic-tac-toe, a player can replace another player's card on the board if his/her card beats the shape of the card in rock paper scissors.
- In that case, the card that is replaced returns to the top of its owner's deck of cards.
- If the game is played by three people, and the same card is returned twice, that card goes to the bottom instead of the top.